Checklist for Future-Proofing Your Warehouse Operations
The traditional approach of trying to “predict the future” based on past data and adding technology to match that “future state” is no longer tenable. To be successful organizations need to focus on adding scalability, agility, and speed to their operations.

Take the next step towards a modern manufacturing warehouse with Exotec’s flexible warehouse warehousing robotics system.

Exotec automates the new logistics site of AAG
Exotec announces that it has been selected by Alliance Automotice Group to automate its future national warehouse, located in Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry.

Exotec Automates AAG’s New Logistics Site, a major player in distribution of automotive spare parts
Exotec’s Skypod technology will optimize the operational rate of AAG’s future warehouse located in Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry (77), while reducing its footprint.