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Optimise your warehouse with robotic automation

August 28,2023

Managing a warehouse is a real headache.

Meeting order deadlines, managing storage space constraints, ensuring order accuracy while managing supply chain disruption and keeping costs down… These are just some of the vital tasks facing warehouse managers today.

Managing a warehouse is a complex and stressful exercise in trying to decide the right course of action in the face of constantly changing circumstances. Unfortunately, warehouses are often forced to make compromises that have a negative impact on the customer experience and, ultimately, on the company’s bottom line.

Over the years, traditional automation systems have played a key role in helping warehouses meet these challenges. But as customer expectations and order complexity continue to evolve, so too does the need for more efficient and effective solutions. Robotic goods-to-person automation, such as the Skypod® system from Exotec®, is part of the answer.

Why traditional automation is no longer a viable solution for warehouses

When we think of automation, many people remember traditional systems involving heavy, complex and energy-intensive machinery, which is not an attractive solution when resources are already limited.

Throughout the twentieth century and well into the twenty-first, traditional automation systems, such as mini-loaders and warehouse shuttles, were widely regarded as exceptional engineering feats. However, they have failed to adapt to modern challenges. For example, due to their complex nature and heavy equipment, traditional automation systems are very difficult and time-consuming to implement. Not to mention the fact that it’s virtually impossible to upgrade them once they’re up and running without interrupting ongoing operations. Because of this rigidity, you need to carefully plan and configure the system so that it can handle your projected capacity for years to come. It is therefore very important that your forecasts are correct, which is becoming increasingly difficult.

For example, if you forecast 10% year-on-year growth, in six years’ time you will have increased your capacity by more than 70% compared with today. So you need to design a system that can deliver more than 70% more capacity than you actually need at that time. This is a considerable investment in a system that will not be used to its full capacity for several years. And if your growth forecasts are lower or higher than reality, you risk ending up with an expensive system that only operates at 50% capacity, or having to make another major investment in a new system to meet your needs.

Once installed, traditional automation presents a series of additional challenges. First of all, it requires a lot of energy to operate, which increases your operating costs. Whether it’s long conveyors, complex lifts or monolithic masts that can weigh several tonnes, moving a single 60-pound load from point A to point B requires moving tonnes of metal.

Traditional automation also has unique failure points. If one element of the system fails, the entire system (or at least a significant part of it) has to be shut down for repairs. These interruptions can be extremely costly, especially for warehouses handling hundreds or thousands of orders every day.

How robotic delivery automation is rising to meet modern challenges

Meet dynamic order deadlines while offering faster shipping options

Shipping is one of the most important aspects of customer service and an integral part of customer loyalty. According to a recent Retail Dive survey, 62% of shoppers expect their orders to arrive in less than three working days when they choose free delivery. Warehouses therefore need to ensure they have the infrastructure in place to meet customer expectations for fast delivery. Robotic personal delivery solutions are an ideal way of meeting this challenge.

For example, Exotec’s Skypod robots can move autonomously up and down storage shelves and picking stations at speeds of up to four metres per second. They can retrieve any SKU from the system in less than two minutes. Each station can process up to 400 lines per hour.

This level of performance gives companies the speed and responsiveness they need to ensure same-day or next-day delivery without difficulty, despite constantly changing customer product preferences.

Reserve your capital expenditure for when you need it

Warehouses around the world are still reeling from recent supply chain disruptions. No one knows when the next major disruption will occur, but one thing is certain: you need to be ready for it.

It’s time to embrace flexible, robotic delivery automation designed to succeed in an unpredictable future. That’s why the Skypod system has been designed to grow with you. Storage and throughput within the Skypod system work independently, so you don’t need to buy unnecessary storage equipment when you increase throughput, and vice versa.

Throughput can be increased simply by adding robots in a matter of minutes. Storage shelving can be added in a matter of days. In both cases, there is little or no impact on current operations. So your investment is limited to what you need, rather than exceeding capacity to meet your growth projections several years down the line.

Increase storage density and flexibility

There are many advantages and disadvantages to growing a business. One of the most serious unintended consequences of growth is a lack of space to store stock. At a time when customers can quickly get almost anything they want with just a few clicks, it’s essential to give them access to a wide selection of products. Maintaining this stock is the other side of the coin, as one of the easiest ways to lose a customer is to send them the dreaded ‘out of stock’ notification.

Given the difficulties associated with the availability of affordable warehouses and property costs, warehouses have no choice but to find ways of optimising their existing space, which can be difficult if they don’t have the resources to do so. Often, the only option available to warehouse managers is to use vertical storage.

The Skypod system is capable of utilising the entire vertical space of a warehouse with high density storage racks up to 12 metres high. The modular design of the storage racks enables rapid installation, which can be extended in a matter of days, with little or no disruption to ongoing operations.

For example, Exotec installed storage racks with more than 71,000 bin locations for Ariat’s central distribution centre in Fort Worth, TX, in less than three months. It took just six weeks to install double-deep shelving with over 29,000 bin locations for Geodis’ warehouse in Nashville, TN. This level of storage flexibility allows companies to have fewer obstacles and more options for their inventory.

Error-free order-picking operations

Handling robots improve order accuracy by overcoming the limitations of traditional manual picking methods. They reduce the need for human intervention and minimise the risk of errors due to distraction, fatigue or misread SKUs. The technology follows precise algorithms designed to accurately identify and track stock throughout the system, ensuring that the right item is in the right place at the right time.

The Skypod system combines intelligent software and operator tools such as pick-to-light, put-to-light and scanners to ensure that orders meet customer expectations.

Your warehouse is complex, your automated solutions don’t have to be.

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