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Warehousing and Order Picking: Are You Making One of These 5 Mistakes in Your Warehouse?

October 18,2024

Fast order processing, denser storage, optimised picking stations… Is your warehouse struggling to meet performance challenges due to the limitations of manual logistics? Sluggish processes, errors, accidents or staff shortages : discover five common intralogistics mistakes and their automation solutions, as explained by Edern Raux, Pre-Project Engineer at Exotec.

Mistake #1: Losing Items and Generating Stock Errors

Incorrect stock declarations during goods receipt often lead to significant issues during order preparation. Lost items, duplicates, and misplaced products are all potential consequences. So, how can these stock errors be avoided?

The solution

Minimise the risk of stock discrepancies by using a weighing conveyor to verify that the weight of incoming goods matches the declared weight. Additionally, implementing automated stock control and real-time stock management systems can prevent such errors.

Our Warehouse Execution System (WES) Deepsky automatically prioritises which bins should be presented to the operator based on fullness, optimising the use of available space. Operators only need to pick and scan the correct item. “With Exotec, it’s seamless. Our system functions like a black box, similar to placing all items on the same shelf. This way, clients no longer have to worry about storage management, which drastically reduces positioning errors”, explains Edern Raux. This solution guarantees stock accuracy while offering complete visibility over item locations at all times. As a result, errors are minimised, and items are readily available, no matter their position in the warehouse.

Mistake #2: Not Maximising Vertical Space

In France, the vacancy rate for logistics warehouses has dropped below 4%, a trend expected to intensify with the Zero Net Artificialisation law. As logistics real estate evolves, many companies are running out of storage space, resulting in increased restocking and higher error rates during order preparation.

The solution

To combat this issue, switch to high-density storage and take full advantage of your warehouse’s height.

Modular racks, adaptable to your facility, can extend up to 12 metres, increasing your storage capacity fivefold. This automated warehouse management software solution not only saves space but also ensures that all products remain accessible to all robots at all times.

Mistake #3: Picking the Wrong Items

Human error during order picking is inevitable—whether due to fatigue, distraction, or stock inaccuracy. While manual processes add verification steps to reduce errors, they can also impact overall productivity.

The solution

An automated warehouse management system ensures that the correct bin is presented for every picking operation, reducing errors without sacrificing productivity.

At the picking station, a light system indicates the correct bin from which to pick and where to place the item afterward. The operator confirms the action by pressing a “put-to-light” button. “For bins with compartments, additional ‘pick-to-light’ guidance can be added to further reduce mistakes”, explains Edern Raux.

This level of automation, combined with a warehouse control system, significantly reduces the risk of human error by guiding operators through the process with precision.

Mistake #4: Struggling to Keep Up with Orders

Unexpected breakdowns or sudden order surges can severely impact warehouse operations. What happens when your warehouse can’t keep up with demand?

The solution

According to Edern Raux, a centralised system integrating warehouse management software and robotics ensures that ” all products are accessible to all robots at all times. In the event of a breakdown, another robot seamlessly takes over the task.
This modular, scalable system can also be enhanced during peak periods. Exotec, for example, offers flexible robot rental solutions to help warehouses cope with increased demand.

“Automation allows you to optimise warehouse performance and fulfil more orders, while improving employee working conditions—all without the need to expand your facility”
Edern Raux, Pre-Project Engineer, Exotec.

Mistake #5: Failing to Optimise Operator Workstations

Outdated warehouse layouts often result in excessive walking or poorly positioned workstations, making tasks more physically demanding for operators. This inefficiency has contributed to the 22,000 vacancies in the UK’s transport and logistics sector by 2022.

The solution

By automating your warehouse processes, you can significantly reduce manual labour and address staff shortages. Edern Raux notes that “ in manual operations, operators may walk hundreds of metres to pick or place an item. With an automated solution, this is no longer necessary, as the system handles these tasks, allowing operators to focus on more essential activities.”

However, automation must be well-designed. Thoughtful ergonomics enable operators to concentrate on order preparation, rather than navigating cumbersome warehouse layouts. The result? Less physical strain, fewer mistakes, and a more efficient warehouse overall.
Want to learn more about automated stock control, real-time stock management, and Exotec’s Skypod System? Contact us today to discover how we can help transform your warehouse operations.


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