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WMS and WES: 6 pitfalls to avoid for successful warehouse integration

August 2,2024

Registering new products, weighing parcels, processing and dispatching orders, generating invoices… Warehouses use a wide range of software. And when it comes to adding a WMS (Warehouse Management System) and integrating it with WES (Warehouse Execution System) to manage, streamline and optimise everything, you can’t just do it any old way. Loïc Bourdon, Software Integration Manager at Exotec, gives us an overview of some good bad ideas that should be avoided.

Starting from scratch

Loïc Bourdon – There’s really no need to invent the wheel every time you want to integrate a WMS (Warehouse Management Software) into a warehouse. The reflex of integrators is often to start from scratch by designing an ad hoc WES (Warehouse Execution System) to meet the needs of a specific project. The problem is that in this situation you have to define the functionalities, agree on each of them and create a system that resembles a prototype. Although this may be tempting, there is a risk of getting involved in time-consuming and tricky projects, because you have to interface with all the competing systems found in warehouses, which often don’t speak the same language.

The best practice (Editor’s note: the one adopted by Exotec) is to start from an existing standard solution that can be adapted to suit the specifics of the WES project. This saves precious time, with a warehouse control system that is directly connected to the machines in the warehouse.
Take, for example, the integration of a WMS with WES Deepsky (Warehouse Execution System).

Deepsky has a tried and tested API programming interface, developed using Exotec’s knowledge of all the WMSs on the market and the extensive feedback from the logistics sites we operate and monitor. As standard, this warehouse execution system integrates the majority of issues encountered in warehouses, to get the most out of the machines’ potential. In particular, the data collected is used to prioritise actions according to the specific context and constraints of each customer, ensuring optimised, high-performance integration. All the conditions for successful integration.

Neglecting the WMS instructions for use

Loïc Bourdon – With so much software in warehouses, it’s important to have a good compass. This involves drawing up clear, exhaustive documentation describing the specifications of the warehouse solution, presenting the logistics functions it offers, such as supply and replenishment, picking and bin entry, and bringing together the message exchange protocols between the machines, the WES and the WMS.

These ‘instructions for use’ describing traditional logistics issues are provided prior to the integration of the WMS. It is supplemented by customised functional documentation describing the various message exchanges between the WES and the WMS, in order to meet the customer’s specific needs. This enables the standard documentation to be refined and the communication challenges between the various software packages in the warehouse to be specified.

This complete documentation, which is systematically given to the customer, must be explained. To integrate the WMS properly, it is crucial to understand the warehouse management rules and how the system will process them. At this stage, we organise themed workshops to ensure that each warehouse business understands all the details of the interface between the WMS and the WES. These discussions, as part of the workshops, also enable us to define the WMS rules specific to the business. To do this, it is necessary to collect the specific needs of each team involved in the warehouse: cybersecurity, IT, materials handling (in other words, the conveyor systems), operations, etc. These are personalised needs that need to be clarified at the start of the project to ensure proper integration when the WES and the WMS are interfaced. Integrating a standard WMS is a good idea from the outset, but it requires a layer of customisation.

Say yes to all possible software developments

Loïc BourdonWhile the standard solution can incorporate specific functions to meet the needs of the project, some WMS functions are not natively compatible with the WES. In this case, new programming has to be considered… Provided, of course, that it’s worth the effort. Each new automation requires additional coding. So it’s important to check that the system meets the expected needs and to assess the cost/benefit ratio of these new developments before taking the plunge.

If the cost of creating, updating and maintaining a new algorithm is disproportionate to the customer’s needs, the benefits will be lost. Sometimes it’s wiser not to automate everything. Let’s take an example: customers often ask us to synchronise picking with replenishment. In this case, we need to coordinate the WMS and the equipment as closely as possible. We don’t recommend this, because it’s time-consuming, complex and costly, and often without any real added value in terms of the overall performance of warehouse operations. It’s better not to think too big and to stick to the strict needs of the project.

Allowing the WMS software to impose machines

Loïc Bourdon – The integration of the WMS system needs to be planned from the outset to ensure compatibility with the various pieces of equipment (scales, RFID tunnel, etc.) and their software. By agreeing upstream on the communication protocol to be used, the company is free to choose the machines, which can then be based on more strategic criteria such as performance, reliability, and quite simply the specific needs of the project…

Jumping the gun

Loïc BourdonRespecting each stage of the integration of a WMS in the warehouse is fundamental. The first thing to do is to validate the technical and flow management choices upstream, before the software goes live. This is a key stage that enables warehouse operations to be simulated from one end of the chain to the other, tests to be carried out and problems to be detected before the software is actually put into production, thus guaranteeing smooth integration between the WMS and the WES in the warehouse. This is the sine qua non for guaranteeing the feasibility of everything specified in the design phase.

In cases where the flow of goods is particularly complex, we offer a complete real-time simulation to check that there are no bottlenecks and to make any necessary optimisations. We can, for example, add buffer stocks at strategic points in the supply chain to maintain perfect responsiveness, or modify the algorithm so that these bottlenecks do not jeopardise the system’s overall performance.

The second essential stage of the project is the initial integration tests, once the IT development is complete. These tests, carried out on a pre-production server, enable us to check that the WMS and the equipment are communicating correctly before going live. This intermediate phase is essential for detecting any potential malfunctions. If problems arise during ramp-up, modifications can be quickly tested in pre-production and redeployed, ensuring rapid correction and operational stability. If you skip any steps when integrating the WMS, you risk not only wasting time and energy, but also the efficiency of your system and money.

Locking yourself into a project methodology

Loïc Bourdon – There are two main methodologies to guide the management of a logistics project: the V-cycle and the agile approach.

The V-cycle is a project management method characterised by a top-down flow of activity, from design to production, followed by a bottom-up flow, from production to validation of product quality. In practical terms, this involves studying the entire project, from needs to solutions, before starting production and finishing with testing, to check that what has been produced conforms to what was imagined. While this method is recognised for its rigour, detailed documentation and visibility of deadlines, the V cycle can lack flexibility and be difficult to adjust in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

In contrast, the agile approach places customer demand and continuous improvement at the heart of the project. It favours early and regular testing, so that functionalities can be co-constructed taking account of user feedback. It is designed to adapt quickly to changes and unforeseen events. Nevertheless, it can blur the predictability of the project.

Our position is to reconcile the two methods of integrating the WMS into the warehouse, combining the advantages of the V-cycle and agility. We therefore share a rigorous test plan with the customer as the WMS is integrated, once the overall specification has been completed. The aim is to guarantee total transparency of methods and to limit the time taken to validate the project before it goes into production.

As you can see, the successful integration of a warehouse control system means, above all, improved performance, simplicity, fluidity and robustness. A warehouse operations management system also represents a substantial investment that you don’t want to risk wasting. That’s why it’s best to work with a professional solutions integrator.
As a specialist in the manufacture, integration and maintenance of logistics robots, Exotec is well placed to understand and implement efficient exchange protocols between WMS and WES. And always with the broader aim of saving warehouses time, reliability and efficiency.

Contact our team to find out more about how Exotec can help you successfully integrate your WMS and WES in the warehouse.


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